thief with a unique code of professional ethics is double-crossed by his crew
and left for dead. Assuming a new disguise and forming an unlikely alliance
with a woman on the inside, he looks to hijack the score of the crew's latest
What I enjoy about Jason
Statham movies is the throwback to ass kicking times of the 80’s, but with
updated special effects and martial arts tactics, these movies are so much fun
to watch because I enjoy how each one tries to top the other with new fight
moves, and exciting car chases. This
movie is more than advertised. Statham’s
do no harm to those who don’t deserve it and bring harm to those who have
wronged you character, really gets you on his side from the get go and had me
swinging my fists in the seat, as I wanted to be next to him helping during the
This is one of his toughest
characters that I have seen in awhile, comparable to The Transporter. He delivers harm to others in some very
creative ways, yet is able to calm down a panicking security guard who wants
nothing more than to see tomorrow with some gentle and calming words. Now we all know that Statham is one tough
mother!@#$er, but watching him kick the shit out of a bad guy with a knife
stuck in his hand, while hanging 30 stories off a balcony is a great reminder
of how bad ass he is.
Every bad ass needs a
girlfriend, and even though Jennifer Lopez isn’t his girlfriend in the movie,
(she plays a real estate agent that he uses for information.) she looked
absolutely amazing and did a good job playing the ex-wife who got fucked over
by her ex and is desperately trying to put her life back together. Michael Chiklis and Clifton Collins Jr. also
star as ex-partners of Statham’s who tried to kill him and as we all know he
gets his revenge, and what fun it is to watch the revenge play out. See this one.
Enjoy the show.
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