The ancient war between humans and a race of giants is reignited when Jack, a young farmhand fighting for a kingdom and the love of a princess, opens a gateway between the two worlds.
This movie delivered much more than it's trailers advertise, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie, it had the right combination of funny, and fighting. If only Jack would have listened to his uncle and sold the horse for money and supplies, well you know the rest. Knowing that the humans could never survive a giant attack, the fights were written in such a way that I felt as if even I could have survived a giant attack as long as I stayed calm and used my brain. With a good number of big names in the cast, this movie was good to deliver with all of them. For some reason it feels so natural for Ewan McGregor to carry a sword, he would have fit in perfectly with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. This movie kept a very quick pace and the two hours went by very quickly. Nicholas Hoult (Jack) and Eleanor Tomlinson (Isabelle) keep you very entertained and hoping that one-day we all meet our Prince, or Princess. Very acceptable movie for young kids to see, the only time I was slightly squeamish was when one of the giants picked his nose. Consider that your forewarning. It's a fun time at the movies and it was good to revisit this story in a movie.
Enjoy the show
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