Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest back home.
Nothing makes me feel like a kid again more than watching Peanuts anything and this movie delivers that same feeling in a big way, around 80'x40' depending on theatre size of course. I dreamed of being able take off from my parents backyard as a kid using our dog house, but no matter how hard I tried I could never get it off the ground, even after putting wheels and a motor on it. The gang stays young forever and that's what we all want, to see them playing in the snow, skating on the pond, flying kites and all the hijinks we are used to from the kids. We can learn a lot from these movies, especially from the tenacity of Snoopy who is determined to succeed at all costs, and not to mention he has the greatest imagination in the world. Never to be left out, the one and only Joe Cool makes a great appearance. Charlie Brown struggles to find the courage to talk to the new red head girl that moved across the street from him. But with the help of his friends and finding the strength to keep going no matter what life throws at you, we learn that you can over come anything and that confidence is something we all need to face our fears. This movie keeps adults engaged and has no trouble doing the same for the kids, no matter if this is their first Peanuts movie or their 100th, it will keep you entertained start to finish. Pack up the kids and be prepared to feel young again as your children begin their journey with one of your favorite cartoons of all time.
5 out of 5 block heads.
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