Three decades after
the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The First Order
attempts to rule the galaxy and only a ragtag group of heroes can stop them,
along with the help of the Resistance.
Do I need to even say anything about this movie? I am almost certain that everyone knew this
was going to be a fantastic movie, and if you didn’t enjoy it, you must be one
heck of a Star Wars nerd who didn’t like a certain story line. By now the only thing I think J.J. Abrams
can’t do is walk on water, and I would not bet that he couldn’t. J.J. is to directing what Dwayne Johnson has
been to movies the last 5 years, whatever he touches, it turns to green, and
lots of it. Last time I checked it was
past Avatar to become the highest grossing film of all time and it had yet to
open in China! I love Star Wars but I’m
not deep into it like I am James Bond but this was still a great movie that
anyone can follow and if you know a little history of the new characters you
will be leaving the theater like everyone else.
Scratching your head to figure out who belongs where on the game board,
which is amazing. The story can go so
many ways and if you follow all the fan boy sites you will know what the
biggest mystery is and how much fun it is watching theories roll out. If you are thinking that Harrison Ford, Mark
Hamill, and Carrie Fisher have no place in this film, think again, because you
are very wrong. J.J. is a master story
teller and he proves yet again why he is the next coming of Spielberg, and
Lucas, yes I said it, tell me I’m wrong, you can’t. The blend of action, comedy, drama, new
ships, and droids is brilliant and after seeing this movie you’ll know what everyone
wants their very own BB-8. Take the kids
and start a new adventure with them that will last for years to come, according
to the release dates of all the new Star Wars movies and stand alone movies to follow.
5 out of 5 light sabers.
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