Wednesday, January 27, 2016


 Dalton Trumbo was an American screenwriter and novelist, who scripted films including Roman Holiday, Exodus,  Spartacus and Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.  One of the Hollywood Ten, he refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 during the committee's investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry, and was subsequently blacklisted by the industry. He continued working covertly and his uncredited work won two Academy Awards; the one for Roman Holiday was given to a front writer, and the one for The Brave One was awarded to a pseudonym. The public crediting of him as the writer of both Exodus and Spartacus in 1960 marked the end of the Hollywood Blacklist, and his earlier achievements were eventually credited to him.

I enjoy a good period piece about Hollywood and this film delivers in a big way.   With a great story, and amazing cast it is hard to not like this movie.  I’ll be the first to admit that I was skeptical about the pace of the movie before I saw it but once it was over I couldn’t believe how quickly it passed.  They did a great job of keeping me intrigued and wondering what is going to happen next.  Knowing the story of Trumbo and watching the movie it was fun to try and anticipate when the character introductions were going to happen, and when they did, they were done to perfection.  Bryan Cranston was cast perfectly as Trumbo, and for Louis C.K. fans it is a joy to see him in a role like this and proving that he can play whatever you ask of him.  Not to forget that it seems you can’t have a period piece movie about Hollywood without including John Goodman.  He plays a no nonsense, tell it as it is, you’re either with me or against me, in it for the women and money, master of B movies, and the head of King Brothers Productions Company.   This is the company that took on Trumbo while he was blacklisted and put the names of other writers on his work.  It was a great match for Trumbo since nobody respected this company and in return the company didn’t respect anyone else, making them a good bully, who didn’t care if people found out Trumbo was on their payroll.  Bryan Cranston is nominated for an Oscar for his performance and the movie has been nominated at all the awards show this year.  This is a must see on your movie list, even if you are hesitant and waiting for the Redbox debut, be sure to check this out. 

1 Oscar Nomination

Best Actor in a Leading Role - Bryan Cranston

Enjoy the show

5 out of 5 Oscars

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