Sunday, December 9, 2012

Men In Black 3

Perhaps to get the sight of two good actors cashing in a payday for MIB2, out of viewers minds, we get MIB 3. When I heard Josh Brolin was cast as a young Tommy Lee Jones(Agent K), well I knew this would be worth watching. So I take a stroll to my local Best Buy and buy the DVD. Yes I still buy them. I don't like my movies in a cloud. I want to display them like trophies.

Brolin injects new life into this franchise and one could only hope a 4th movie is in the works. As usual Will Smith(Agent J) brings his A-game, and is sent back in time to the year 1969 to try and save Agent K from being killed by a murderous alien, K sent to a maximum security prison...on the moon. The Alien escapes and decides to go back in time to alter the events which led to K incarcerating him. What follows is a rich storyline, an incredible supporting cast (I did miss Rip Torn however), plot twists, and some very touching moments. Yes all that in a MIB movie! I am giving MIB 3 a rating of 3 out of 4 black suits.

You will be entertained, surprised, and hopefully go back in time yourself to when you just sat there and enjoyed a movie instead of worrying about the camera angles and reality of the plot. I will not remember anything about this article after I finish writing this. I am about to be flashed with a deneuralizer.