Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's Denzel, why would you not go see this movie? I hear people say all the time that Denzel plays the same character in every movie, well get off your butt and go checkout flight.  This character is sure to get him some buzz for an Oscar nomination, the only thing that may prevent that is performances from actors in Oscar movies that have yet to be released. Denzel takes addiction and carries it to a new level in this movie.  For me it was a roller coaster ride of emotions.  He would rise to the top and make you care about him, and in the blink of an eye he would drop you back down, but yet again he would capture me and bring me back up, only to sucker me yet again and drop me back down into that valley as he laughs at me for caring about him.  Sure the movie has a few throw away scenes and is a little slow at times, but don't they all?  Honestly, it's a movie about a man with an addiction who flies a commercial jet liner inverted!  How much fun would that be, am I the only one who would sign up to take a flight like this?  The only thing that would make it better is a Russian MIG, and a Polaroid camera.  Those of you that are lost by that last comment need to watch Top Gun.  John Goodman (who seems to be in every movie this year.) and Don Cheadle are fantastic, along with the rest of the cast.  This is a good movie, but if you are having any reservations about seeing it in the theater, I would wait for it to come out on DVD, it's not necessarily a must see on the big screen.

Enjoy the show.

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