Saturday, November 24, 2012


Being a die hard Bond fan I can't say enough about how amazing this film is and that I could watch it over and over and never be sick of it.  I've heard some people say they didn't enjoy it, and that's fine, you are all entitled to your opinion, besides, the people who didn't enjoy Skyfall, really enjoyed Twilight, enough said.  Daniel Craig returns better, badder and dressed in the most bad ass suits you could ever ask for, courtesy of Tom Ford.  Every time I watch a Bond movie I want to become a spy and model myself after James Bond.  The only thing stopping me is that I know they don't get all those cool toys, and especially the Aston Martins, yup, those are the only things. Oh, right, I also don't want to ever be shot, tortured, or killed.  There are so many throwbacks to the Bond movies of past that it made the movie so much fun, especially with the return of Moneypenny and M's old office with the padded door, the only thing missing was Bond entering the room and tossing his hat onto the coat rack. As you know the point of my blog is to never say negative things about a movie because I love them so much, especially a Bond movie because I enjoy the franchise so much and one day want to be in one.  I never said I wouldn't say anything negative about people that say negative things about movies, actors, directors, DPs, etc...  This goes out to the silly woman who was complaining that all Bond movies are horrible, that no spy could ever look like that and we know he will survive all situations he is in, like not being bit by the scorpion when he takes a shot.  I'm going to ignore the fact that she completely missed the tone of that scene, and ask why she would go to see Bond in the first place when she complained about not liking Bond movies at all.  We all know who Bond is, and those who love him like I do, we want the franchise to continue another 50 years, something your Twilight could never do, which by the way I am not going to poke holes in because we don't have time for that.  The movies are a time for us to escape our lives and enjoy the excitement that Hollywood has created for us, not to complain and bitch about things that didn't work or that you would have done differently.  So please, next time think twice about going to a movie franchise that you don't enjoy and just stay home and watch your reality shows.  All those who love and enjoy movies for what they are, you can't go wrong with Bond. If I had three thumbs I would give it three thumbs up, instead I'll just give it the standard two thumbs up and one finger to those who didn't enjoy it.

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