Saturday, November 24, 2012


Recently I heard a movie critic talking on a local talk show about how Lincoln was long, boring, and not what she expected.  After the tears from my eyes cleared I was able to focus on what I had just heard.  Let's start by saying the movie is about the last few months of Abraham Lincolns life and the passing of the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery.  It's not a Michael Bay movie about a robot, or even the car named Lincoln which would have nothing but explosions and half naked Victoria's Secret models running all over town screaming for help. I'd probably see that movie.  This is an educational movie which the general public has no time for.  Most audiences don't want to have to think, or pay attention when they go to a movie, which is sad because this is a fabulous movie, which you don't really need to stay 100% focused if you passed history class in High School.  I feel bad they she wasted her time going to this movie when she already knew everything about Mr. Lincoln and was hoping for some huge explosions with automatic gun fire and technical car chases.  What this movie does offer is some of the greatest performances from Daniel Day-Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, David Strathairn, and Michael Stuhlberg.  It's not a fast paced movie by any means, but name 23 Oscar nominated movies that are, as this one is sure to be.  All in all this is a well acted, visually stunning and one hell of a good history lesson.  Of course I give it two thumbs up, everything is good at Top Gun, but I'll let you know if you shouldn't waste your time.

Enjoy the show.

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