Friday, January 11, 2013

Django Unchained

Nominated Movie

Former dentist, Dr. King Schultz, buys the freedom of a slave, Django, and trains him with the intent to make him his deputy bounty hunter. Instead, he is led to the site of Django's wife who is under the hands of Calvin Candie, a ruthless plantation owner.

Honestly when it comes to Quentin Tarantino, who doesn’t enjoy his work?  We know exactly what it’s going to be, but he still is able to put his magic touch on it and make it into something more than what we thought it was going to be.  This film deserves all the recognition it’s getting and it quickly became my second favorite Tarantino movie, behind only Pulp Fiction.  That should get me in trouble with the Tarantino fans. 

The best part of this movie is that it surprised me with the story.  I do my best to figure out what a movie is going to do when I see the trailer, but this movie is so much more than advertised.  The same way that Jack Reacher is much more than its action packed trailer leads you to believe. 

Christoph Waltz, Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson deliver incredible performances.  Now I need to get to Samuel immediately.  He was fantastic in this role and you either enjoy his character or you really pay attention and hate his character.  Christoph Waltz and risen to the top of the acting charts to the point where I would enjoy seeing he and Daniel Day Lewis in a movie together. 

I was entertained for the complete 2 hours and 45 minutes and the time flew by because there is never a dull moment.  Congratulations Quentin on your nominations and best of luck during awards season.

Enjoy the show. 

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